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stories biography escapes archives


Hello, i'm Alicia. Weenee calls me niaoniao. An ordinary teen that craves for what an ordinary teen wants and does whatever an ordinary teen do.


1, 2, 3

Friday, January 23, 2009
Pronounced dead.

There's a limit to everything.

Sunday, December 21, 2008
We've had our ups and downs but we've always work them out,
I am ever glad that we've gone this far now.
Its 21 december today, how far we've come, friends? Stayed at home the whole day. Some thoughts just ran thru my mind. I guess i'm prepared. Yes, prepared for all the unforseen circumstances and coming years.
To keep it short;
i) I'm looking forward to x'mas celebrations with s.b.r.c.
ii) Have a safe trip, kang.
iii) I need to buy new shoes.
iv) Safe some big money and put it back into the bank. (!!!)
v) Neogotiate with daddy about regular allowance and amount for next year. (?)
vi) Band practices with Mr. Tan on Mon and Tues.
vii) Shopping for new year stuffs. :D
S.B.R.C ♥

Saturday, December 13, 2008

So tomorrow is a sunday, just how many sundays' have i wasted these holidays. I've been out the whole week. Thinking back, i feel kinda guilty for not attending tuition regularly, not spending enough time with my family, not keeping myself organised, spending too much money, not sitting down and complete any assignments. I wanna feel good, not having to worry about anything but it seems like i didn't even try to make anything better. Just what's the problem with me. I think i might need some help, please?

Yesterday, we went to the library to study, it wasn't constructive to me but it was of some help anyway since yongkee answered my questions. Ended up camwhoring with amanda and peiling, it was totally retarded, so many people looking but who cares, we're stressed! ( Click their names for photos (: )

I wanna pick up a book, a book that is self-motivational. Something that makes me realise how bad a state i am in now. I wanna go on reading it for hours until daybreak, then i'll take a break. Perhaps then i wouldn't let my mind run wild, thinking of the littlest, and most insignificant thing that happened to me. I hate the feeling of being crazeeeee. Its like being a madwoman, blowing her head over little things that nobody would ever take notice of, making a moutain out of a molehill. At the same time, maybe i could use this book for the ERP assignment? I'm going to be a good girl and mug hard! B-)

Its holiday,
I wanna reminice the past,
to go back where we started off this journey,
i need some of my old friends please?

I need an egg to rub the bum on my head!

Friday, December 12, 2008
I feel like reciting a story, a story i heard in a hongkong drama just now;

Puppy: Mom, where can i find happiness?
Mom: Dear, its on your tail.
For the next few says, the puppy looked all silly chasing after its tail all day long.
Puppy: Mom, why can't i catch my happiness?
Mom: Silly, you don't have to chase it. Just look straight and go ahead with life, happiness is just following closely behind you. *BIG BIG SMILE :D *

Some overdued photsos that i stole from kang's blog just now. It just dawned on me that so much things are happening next week. Louise is comin back, Ivena/ Weenee's leaving, band practices, tentative stayover, outings, tuitions and the list goes on. These holidays isn't like the holiday i thought. But oh well, its good anyway. (:
And, i'm glad that i'm halfway thru homework! At least its better than not touching it at all. Was doing homework at the library just now and it made me worried. Chem Tys had bundles of question that i dont even understand! Thats like making me worried cause what? O lvls are just next year. I'm afraid, cause we're taking a o's next year, cause we're sec 4s, cause i'm takin back chinese results, cause ...
I want to listen to a song now,
Till then.

Monday, December 8, 2008

I went town with mamma to get fronda's present. Isn't it nice to have a maid to see you grow from a kid till what you are now? Its coooool to think of. If i ever had such a maid, i'll love her, like a lot, like how much pei loves her maid. So yah, helped her made a 'booklet' for fronda, its nice tho, cause i make one! HAHAHAHH. Aww, you know what the worst thing is today? I get to experience the pain of not buying the things that you rlly want when you had the money but couldnt spent. URGH, its like a thousand arrows piercing thru your heart cause you'lll get prepared that when you get your ass back there, the item is gone!!

Christmas is around the corner, everybody's getting ready for it, buying gifts, sending cards and what not. And, i cant do anything, cause... ( I know im getting a little whiny but just read on) Daddy doesn't celebrate x'mas which equals to no christmas allowance, cause i'm danm broke myself to afford anything, cause i'm still considering if i should start sending x'mas greetign cards this year and the list goes on.

Sentosa outing that day didn't turn out as i thought it would be but still, KAZHUA is fun. I'm currently imagining what our KAZHUA tee shirt( if theres any) would turn out like. -.-

Too much of facebooking these days -
ALICIA wants to go little india this thursday
ALICIA started on history scrapbook page 1
ALICIA needs to go tiong to meet excos tomorrow
ALICIA loves you
I feel like laughing somehow cause of the game i played in psp:

Saturday, November 29, 2008
I'm embarking on a new journey,
one that makes me feel better,
one that makes me a better person.

1) Went to smelly's house
2) Ate speg that her maid cooked
3) Painted and erased nail polish
4) Gossip sessions
5) Thought about our future
6) Tuition sessions
7) Homework-ing
8) Outings
9) Made S.B.R.C. shirt
10) Talked to an old friend

I've always been thinking, thinking about what we're going to be like after o levels, everyone going seperate ways doing their own stuff, picking up new interest. I want to dream of a heart warming scene, when everyone's got married and have their children. How cool is that. And maybe then we'll catch up about all the ups and downs they had with their other half. Bitching about their children's puppy loves. Hopefully, when our hair is white, we still could go shopping together like how i saw those grannies in the shopping malls. But in the end, their just dreams and wishes. We'll never know what's in stored for us, will we?

Tuesday, November 25, 2008
I feel all worned out.
I felt like a thousand things are on my mind,
flashing through like a shooting star,
not leaving me a chance to breathe and take another look.
I wanna confide in someone but do you even hear me talking to you?

Its been a busy week and a packed schedule lately. Everybody's leaving, busy with their own stuffs. Pei's got an interview for job, kang's gone overseas and i've no idea if she's back, lou's gone off to m'sia too, wee's busy with her own stuff, ive's in aussie and everything. Awwww, looks like the net time S.R.B.C's outing is not goin to be anytime soon. D: Meanwhile, i aspire to finish some assignments and cancel it off my list to lighten my burden, just like how niaoniao finished her geog as said on her blog.

Psst, i saw this damn bag i loved in the net, got niaoniao! Omg, wee's going to laugh if she knows about it. And, being random. I had a nightmare last night, i dreamt about how traumatised i was upon seeing that totally naked sick in the mind flasher cum peeper cum whatv. Its not goin to be a nightmare anymore if i ever see him again. I'll just laugh it off, srsly, hopefully.

I'm goin to talk to yongkee now and here you go:-
BakaTensai Isolation policy? says:
credits put me for persuading you to revive your blog

:D :D :D